Headache Relief

Here’s a simple headache relief tip
that you can try at home if you are having a headache.
If you are dehydrated, the headache could be the
result of too many toxins building up in your bloodstream
and not being properly eliminated.
These headaches typically occur in the front of the head.


A possible solution is to drink a glass of water and wait
a half an hour to see if your headache goes away.
If this does provide you with headache relief, it’s a wake
up call you need to start drinking more water.  Your
body is always needing to get rid of the waste products.
And sorry, other liquids don’t count.  It has to be pure water.
This will also save your body from the side effects of taking aspirin
or Ibuprofen.
Hope this helps!


If this doesn’t fix your headache and they keep coming back you might want to think about seeing a chiropractor for a check up.

Dr. Robert Ebeling, DC is a Chiropractor in Englewood, Colorado with 28 years experience.  He helps many people with conditions ranging from shoulder pain and headaches to more complex injuries from car accidents and herniated discs.  Call today (303) 377-1755.

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