So you want to know if there is Acupuncture self help for jet lag? Yes there is, just read on my friends.

Many years ago (2001) I learned acupuncture from a very well respected man, Dr. Amaro. He taught me what he had learned over decades of himself learning from the masters of China, Japan, Okinawa, Vietnam, and probably a few others. He was able to distill down all that information into key facts that I needed to know.

One of those facts is that there are 12 acupuncture meridians that follow a specific path along the course of your body. Another fact is that there are 24 hours in a day. Each one of these 12 acupuncture meridians has a specific 2 hour window when it is the most active meridian.

This is important to know because it can help us keep our body in sync with the current time of day. When would our body clock not be in sync with the current time of day? When we travel great distances to other time zones. We often experience this change in our body’s rhythm as fatigue, sleepiness, and just feeling out of sorts. Otherwise known as “Jet lag”.

If there was a way to get our body clock on the same time as the new time zone we are traveling to, we would experience much less of the negative effects of travel.

Ok, enough talking let’s get into it. Download this self help acupuncture jet leg pdf file. Print it out and look it over. It shows you a 24 hour clock and the acupuncture meridian that is most active during each of the 2 hour windows. There is also 1 acupuncture point on the entire meridian that is the most active point during that window. It is called the “Horary Point” The attached diagrams will help you locate these horary points on your body. Most of them are on the hands and feet with a couple of exceptions that are explained in the download.

You get your body clock in sync with the new time zone you will be flying to by applying these points a day or two in advance of your travel. You don’t need to use needles, you can stimulate the points with a plastic pen cap. Just find the point and tap on it and stimulate it.

Continue doing the points when you arrive at your destination until your body feels well and adjusted . Then a day or two before you return do the points again, only using the time zone of your home.

Questions? I’m happy to help. Just let me know. (303) 377-1755

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