Drinking alkaline water is far more important than many people realize.

Most are totally unaware that when certain chemicals
(like chlorine from tap water) are ingested into the body they
can actually mimic an essential nutrient like Iodine and bond
themselves to the Thyroid.

This “imposter bonding” can cause problems with the body’s metabolism
and increase obesity.

On the other hand, drinking water that is “too purified” (like distilled water)
which has no minerals or life force, will likewise cause harm to the body’s
systems in that water needs a certain mineral balance and will “steal” or leach
these minerals from the body if they’re not present in the water.

The body needs these naturally present minerals (like calcium and magnesium)
to function properly.

Also, scientists have shown how unhealthy fat storage in the body can be
promoted by a diet that is too acidic in pH.

Many of the your favorite American food choices are not only very acidic,
but because of this acidity can also make it a much more difficult process
when you are trying to lose unwanted body fat.

The fat storage areas are simply the body’s way of storing unwanted acid
build up build away from critical organs where they could do more damage.

Drinking alkaline water is one simple way to help take in more alkaline food.

I want you to be healthy and I’ve been telling everyone for a while to try the

alkaline water I have at my office. Last summer I gave it away but

now you can get it for $2.00 a gallon.
Robert Ebeling, DC

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