Back Care

If I could name the most important item for healthy back care,
as well as keeping the rest of you healthy, it would be to drink water.

Here’s why:

The discs in your spine are made of 88% water. They are
also a combination of proteins and cartilage but the majority
of the content is water. When you are dehydrated, guess where
the body starts pulling water from? Your discs!

Arthritis and the aging process is nothing more than a
gradual dehydration of the tissues. To keep them young
and vibrant you need water!

How much you may wonder? A good amount is a ½ gallon
a day. That’s 64 ounces. 8 cups. Not hard to do.

I also believe the water you drink should be as pure as possible
and also the right pH level but I’ll talk about that more another
time. What are you waiting for? Go drink some water!

Dr. Robert Ebeling is a Chiropractor in the Denver Colorado area since 1990.

(303) 377-1755

5 Star Patient Google Ratings Here

Robert Ebeling, DC

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