Car Accident Treatment Englewood Colorado begins by knowing the details of the crash.

Most “minor” rear end car accidents happen at 5 mph or less.  You might not think this would be enough to cause an injury at first glance however there are many reasons why someone in this situation would be hurt in a car accident in Englewood.

The most Important question to ask

The most important question to ask in any crash is “Were you AWARE that the crash was coming?”  In other words, “Did you KNOW you were about to be in a crash?”

Studies have shown that people who knew they were about to be in a car accident have far fewer symptoms.  They also have less intensity of headache than people with no prior warning.

A self preservation mechanism kicks in when you know you are about to have a collision.  This helps your body protects itself by tensing up all its muscles.

People without the benefit of this advance notice had a lot more problems.  It is reported to be 15 times more likely to suffer long term chronic pain.

Another study showed that drivers who were unaware of the impending impact were 20% more likely to be injured.


  1. Ryan GA, Taylor GW, Moore VM, Dolinis J: Neck strain in car occupants: injury status after 6 months and crash-related factors. Injury 25(8):533-537, 1994.
  2. Dolinis J: Risk factors for ’whiplash’ in drivers: a cohort study of rear-end traffic crashes. Injury 28(3):173-179, 1997.
  3. Sturzenegger M, Di Stefano G, Radanov B, Schnidrig A: Presenting symptoms and signs after whiplash injury: the influence of accident mechanisms. Neurology 44(4):668-693, 1994.

Watch for my Next Blog Post

Next time we’ll talk about more risk factors for having an injury in a low speed rear impact collision.

About Me

Robert Ebeling, DC is a Chiropractor in Englewood, Colorado with 28 years of experience.  He is available at (303) 377-1755 for a free consultation and evaluation usually the same day you call.


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