Chiropractor Covered by Insurance

Englewood CO Chiropractor is a preferred provider for most insurance plans.  Our chiropractic office has been in business since 1990 and  accepts many health plans, except Medicare, medicaid, or Kaiser.


Like all health insurance plans, there is a deductible amount that has to be met first before the insurance coverage applies.  This can range anywhere from three hundred dollars or more.

We will call your insurance company to find out what dollar amount you might be responsible for.  I’ve also seen plans where no deductible was part of the plan.  That’s really good insurance!

Also deductibles typically are in effect for what is called a “calendar year”.  In other words, your deductible starts on January 1st and any amounts you pay during the year get applied to that amount.  Once your deductible is met the insurance then kicks in.  If you never meet your deductible for the calendar year or by December 31st, then the whole thing starts over for the next calendar year.  Some plans also allow for what is called a “carry over” and what this means is that if you don’t use you insurance until the last three months of the year and you pay your deductible in full, they might allow for that amount to be applied to the next year’s deductible amount.

Not guaranteed to work with all insurance plans but we would verify this detail when we call them.


Then there is what is called a co-payment.  This is a portion that you are responsible for each time you make an office visit.  Again, we would have to call your insurance company to see exactly what that amount would be.  I’ve seen amounts anywhere from twenty percent to fifty percent.  All co payments are due at the time of service and we do not send patients a bill for this.

(303) 377-1755

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