Can a chiropractor fix a deviated septum?

Here’s a man who broke his nose 3 times playing basketball as a youth.  Doctors said he needed surgery but lived with a deviated septum for 55 years!!  His sister is a patient and referred him into me.  It was fixed by an Englewood Chiropractor in a matter of minutes!

This has got to be the record amount of time that someone had a deviated septum treatment without surgery and it got fixed!

Watch this Video here

Video transcription:

“ Hi everybody, I just got my nose fixed by Dr. Ebeling. I’ve had a clogged nose because I’ve broken it 3 times and I couldn’t hardly breathe out of the right side. And he did this procedure that puts a pressurized cuff up the side that’s blocked and it pushes over the deviated septum. And now I can breathe out of both sides. It really worked.”

How long was it like that?

“Well It’s been like that since I was in college. High school or college. More like 55 years. This really worked. And they wanted to do surgery on it and I know from my buddies who had this because they played basketball too. I was not the fastest forward but, anyway it really worked! You did a great job Doc!”


Dr. Robert Ebeling is a Chiropractor in Englewood who has been in practice since 1990.

Apparently, I’m the only one around who knows how to do this adjustment as I’ve had people fly in from all over the country to get this done.  I learned it from an experienced chiropractor when I first went into practice working at another office way back in the early 1990’s.

If you have a deviated septum give me a call.  Many people did and they all were happy with the treatment that Dr. Ebeling gave them.  It usually takes one treatment to correct it.

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