Diabetes Nutrition

Diabetes nutrition could help when it comes
to reversing diabetes.
According to the CDC, 1 out of
every 4 people are either diabetic or
pre-diabetic and the pre diabetics don’t even
realize it.
What’s worse is that the standard of medical
care is going to WAIT until you’ve become
a full blown diabetic, at which point they’ll
start giving you medications that will not
stop the progression or complications of
diabetes in 88% of the population.

So what can you do to protect yourself?

Well, one thing you can do is to manage your
blood sugar better.   And you can do that by
taking a nutritional supplement called
Chromium Piccolinate.  Go ahead and Google it.
Taken with meals, this chelated mineral helps
stabilize blood sugar levels so you don’t get
those wild fluctuations in your insulin and sugar


The recommended dose is 200 mcg 3 times a day
with meals.  I’ll probably start carrying it at the office
but you can also get it at any vitamin store.
“The better educated you are, the better choices
you’ll make when it comes to your health”
                                                   Robert Ebeling, DC

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