
What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or loss of balance.

What causes it?

Usually associated with inflammation of the inner ear and the nerve connected to hearing.

Can a Chiropractor Help Vertigo?

Maybe. From my own personal experience I say yes but your situation might be different.

My Story

Here’s what happened. My wife bought some supermarket sushi and wine for dinner. It must have given me food poisoning because in the middle of the night I felt sick to my stomach like I had to vomit. I rolled over and my left eye started twitching very hard. The medical term for that is nystagmus. It means the vertigo is from an inner ear problem.

I got up and almost fell over due to the loss of balance I experienced.

In the morning when I woke up I still had severe dizziness but it was more like the room was spinning. At that point I knew it was vertigo and not dizziness. And this would happen whenever I would lay down or change positions. I felt totally helpless and didn’t know what to do.

How do you treat it?

It wasn’t until I discovered the Epley maneuver that I was able to get rid of my vertigo. I did the procedure once and it got rid of 95% of my symptoms. I did it a second time and it was 100% gone!

How do I know if I can help you?

A consultation.  Do you have eye twitching with your vertigo?  Does it happen when you change positions?  I can probably help.

The Good News

Typically it only takes 1 treatment at my office using the Epley maneuver. I feel like I went through this experience so I could help others who suffered like me.

Does Chiropractic Help with Vertigo?

Ask these people by checking out their videos.
Vertigo Success Video #1

Vertigo Success Video #2

Vertigo Success Video #3

Denver Chiropractor Robert Ebeling DC PC of A-Just-A-Ble Chiropractic Center
Chiropractor near me

Englewood Chiropractor Robert Ebeling DC, PC of
A-Just-A-Ble Chiropractic Center
3333 South Bannock St #235
Englewood, CO 80110
(303) 377-1755

Robert Ebeling, DC on Google+!