Today I want to talk to you about Low Back Pain Causes.

Back pain causes more people to miss work than any other condition.  As a chiropractor, I can tell you the most common problem I see in the office is lower back pain. I can also tell you the most common type of lower back pain that I see is a misalignment of the sacroiliac (SI) joint otherwise known as your pelvis.  This is easy to see on anyone. Just put their legs together and you’ll see one leg is longer or shorter than the other one. (For some reason it’s usually long on the left and short on the right).

“Why is a misalignment in the pelvis the most common problem seen in a chiropractic office?”

The answer is simple to explain but maybe complex to understand. Here it is in a nutshell. The problem is stress.

Stress comes in many forms:

Mental. Physical, and Chemical. Stress affects the adrenal glands which produce adrenaline in response to the stress. Too much stress for too long runs down your adrenal glands.

The Adrenal Glands

The adrenal glands are also associated with 2 muscles that help hold your
pelvis together correctly. These muscles are named the Sartorius and the Gracilis and they attach from the pelvis to the knee. When the adrenals get run down and don’t work correctly, these muscles don’t work correctly either and the lower back is prone to get out of alignment and cause you a problem.


That’s why people with this kind of low back pain should quit drinking coffee (or at least switch to decaf), cut way back on sugar, get more sleep, and try to do something about the other stresses in their life. But often that’s not enough. We put people on a nutritional supplement that helps the adrenals heal themselves. Once that happens, then they can truly be healed of their back pain causes.   Oh and caffeine and sugar are chemicals that add stress the adrenals, something you are trying to avoid.

So Can Sugar Cause Back Pain?  The answer is “Yes”.

Robert Ebeling, DC is a chiropractor in Englewood, Colorado.

The office can be reached at (303) 377-1755

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