Low Back Pain

Lower Back Pain Relief

When you need lower back pain relief who you gonna call?  Dr. Ebeling has been practicing chiropractic in the Denver area since 1990 and knows all about lower back pain treatment.

What causes it?

There are many reasons why your lower back could be hurting.  It’s important to know specifically what is causing the pain because the treatment is different for each one.

Bulging disc

One of the more severe causes, it needs to be looked at quickly before things get really bad.

What causes a bulging disc?

Usually a lifting and twisting type motion. The body doesn’t like that.  It could also be from sitting for long periods of time. That puts a lot of pressure on the lower back.  It can cause Sciatica down the leg.

I don’t have the pain down the back of my leg. Is that still Sciatica?

Pain down the outside of the leg or in the front of the thigh could still be Sciatica, just from a different nerve.

I actually have pain in both legs. What’s that all about?

That could be a more serious condition known as Stenosis. The pressure is inside on the spinal cord and affects both nerves at the same level.

How do you treat it?

Cox Flexion Distraction.

Will I need surgery?

I don’t know without looking at you. But if you are losing control of your bladder or can’t have a bowel movement, it doesn’t sound good.

Sacroiliac Joints

We see this problem when the legs are different lengths.  An underlying adrenal problem is usually the cause which means too much stress!

Facet Joints

Facet joints can get jammed if you sleep on your stomach or had a fall on your butt.  Can be seen on x ray.

Muscle Weakness in lower back

The quadratus lumborum muscle is a major stabilizer of the lower back.  Weakness in one or both sides can create lower back pain.


Denver Low Back Pain






Lower back pain relief
Lower back pain treatment

Robert Ebeling, DC 








Englewood Chiropractor Robert Ebeling DC, PC of
A-Just-A-Ble Chiropractic Center
3333 S. Bannocks St #235
Englewood, CO 80110
(303) 377-1755