What is Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease of the brain.  Symptoms can include vertigo, weakness, difficulty walking, blurred vision, loss of balance, numbness, tingling, lack of coordination,  unclear thinking and more.  Since it affects the upper part of the nervous system we would consider it an upper motor neuron lesion.

We can do a simple neurological test as a screening tool in suspected cases of MS.  Stroking the bottom of the foot with a blunt object like a reflex hammer should cause the toes of the foot to slightly flex down in a normal patient.  If the toes should bend upward and fan apart, this is an abnormal test and indicates further testing should be done.

We did this test in a patient who had some possible symptoms of MS and since there was a family history as well, we wanted to know.  MRI is the definitive test but since previous studies were negative she didn’t want to spend a thousand dollars for nothing.  Then I remembered my neurology.

Watch this video to see a “normal” Babinski test.

          Dr. Ebeling is a chiropractor in practice since 1990 in Colorado.  (303) 377-1755



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