Pricing and office fees

Prices and office fees are included here:

A single visit/ full body adjustment without insurance is $60.00. Other places may be more or less expensive but you are getting my 30 years of experience to take care of you efficiently.

We also have discount plans available if it turns out you need more than one visit or a treatment program.

X rays (if needed) are usually not covered by insurance. Cash price is $75.00 for any x ray series. (This is really for the time spent analyzing your films.)

If it turns out you have insurance your actual costs may or may not be lower. (Sometimes the copay is more than what we charge for cash patients). Also some insurance plans charge us a separate $13.00 fee just to process a claim and send us a check! Note: There is extra work involved submitting insurance claims and also a time delay waiting to get paid by them. Insurance plans also have pre determined amounts they will pay so actual amounts billed to insurance may vary based on services provided.

Hopefully that answers the questions.