
Getting rear ended and injured in a car accident in Colorado is bad enough.  In another blog post we spoke about some of the risk factors.  These include:
1. being unaware of the impending crash
2. the position of your head and body in the car
3. the amount of G forces from the crash
4. the fact that amount of vehicle damage does not equal amount of personal injury
5. that rear crashes cause the most damage
6. and now today whether men or women are more prone to injury

G Forces

If you read my earlier blog post I told you that the G forces generated by a 5 mph rear impact worked out to equal 1.9.  I want to clarify that.  When I say 5 mph impact, I mean  that your car is at a complete stop, hit from behind, and is accelerates forward at 5 mph.  I don’t mean that someone just rolled up behind you doing 5 mph and you kissed bumpers.

Remember that the actual G forces experienced by the occupants can be 2-3 times greater than the amount experienced by the car which can mean a G force of anywhere between 6-12!  And remember discs and ligaments sustain injury at a G force of only 3.5!  So, why so much variation in the G forces generated?  One factor is the size of your neck.

Studies on Women

Studies on the people who get rear ended and injured in a car accident in Colorado.  And the similarities between them all, the common characteristics they all share, can be called risk factors.  Unfortunately for women, it’s the smaller frame ones who are the most at risk.  That is, any woman, who weighs under 130 lbs.

Studies on Men

Men, who have bigger and thicker necks, can withstand more physical force than females can.  A more demure physique and a smaller neck means less support of the roughly 8-10 lb head that sits on top of it.  That’s why being a woman puts you at more risk from being injured in a read end low speed car accident.  This is based on a study from Sweden  in 1994 where 60% of the cases fit this category.  Another study that was done said the weight limit was even higher,  up to 143 lbs.


So if you have been rear ended and injured in a car accident here in Englewood and need help, call Dr. Robert Ebeling at (303) 377-1755.  The office will arrange a free same day consultation and evaluation.  Dr. Ebeling is a licensed chiropractor and owner of  A-Just-A-Ble Chiropractic Center in Englewood, Colorado.


1.  Banks R, Martini J, Smith H, Bowles A, Mcnish T, Howard R: Alignment of the lumbar vertebrae in a driving posture. Journal of Crash Prevention and Injury Control 2(2):123-130, 2000.

2. Krafft M, A comparison of short- and long-term consequences of AIS 1 neck injuries, in rear impacts.  International IRCOBI conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 16-18, 1998, Goteborg, Sweden, 275-88.

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