Referred Pain means pain you feel somewhere in your body but the problem is actually somewhere else.

Many times we think right where it hurts is where the problem should be.  If I just smashed my thumb, I know where the pain is coming from right?  That’s not always the case with the human body.

For example, the gall bladder is located under the right side of the rib cage.  A gall bladder attack can send pain to the right shoulder.  Not where you would expect.

The Human Body Pain Presentations

In the chiropractic office many times we will find that the pain and problem are actually on opposite sides of the body.  For example, if someone is having a right sided lower back problem, we might find the cause to be a weakness of the Quadratus Lumborum muscle on the left side.  The weakness causing reflex contraction and spasm on the right.  The pain is felt on the right but the actual problem is on the left.

Same exact situation with a misaligned sacroiliac joint.  The pain might be felt on the left (from the joint moving too much) but the actual cause of the problem might be the right sacroiliac joint being locked up and out of alignment (and not moving enough).

In any case, the best solution for your problem is to get a thorough physical examination by a qualified health professional to see exactly what is the cause of your troubles.

Dr Robert Ebeling DC is a chiropractor here in the Englewood 80110 area.  Call (303) 377-1755 for a consultation now.

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