When someone says they need a “slipped disc chiropractor” because they have a “slipped disc”, that’s not really what’s happening. A disc can not actually “slip”. That’s because it’s a tissue, and firmly attached to the vertebrae above and below it. So it doesn’t “slip out of place”.

What they really mean is that the disc is inflamed, becoming larger, and putting pressure on a nerve.

You see the nerve comes out through an opening between two adjacent bones in your back. There’s only so much room for the nerve, ligaments, blood vessels, disc, and other tissues in that space. An injury, usually a lifting and twisting type motion, can irritate the disc and cause it to get inflamed.

That’s why it’s always good to put ice on a new injury. You want to try to shrink that inflamed disc. You should leave it on for 20 minutes. Don’t use heat. You could actually make it worse by bring more blood into the area, making it more inflamed.

The most common location for this to happen is between the last two bottom vertebrae in your back. That’s because this area has the biggest nerve, the disc here gets the most amount of pressure, and as you get older the discs have a tendency to dry out. This makes you lose some height as you age. The height of the disc decreases as well, making that opening smaller as well.

If this does happen, you might experience pain from the back going into the thigh through the hamstring muscle. That’s called “sciatica”.

If the ice doesn’t do the trick for you then you might need to call a “slipped disc chiropractor Denver”.

Dr. Ebeling has been treating these types of conditions since the late 1980’s and can help you feel better today. (303) 377-1755. His office is located at 3333 South Bannock St #235 in Englewood, CO 80110. It’s the Wells Fargo building on the second floor.

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